Bella and Edward<3

Bella and Edward<3
"Take care of my heart--I left it with you."

Friday, May 1, 2009

Almost a Senior....

This school year has gone by extremely fast! I feel like it should still be first trimester. As far as grades go, my GPA was raised quite a bit first and second trimesters, but this last trimester I feel as though school is kicking my butt big time. I have no motivation whatsoever to do any work, and it is ruining my grades. When I go home, I barely even do any homework anymore. It's pathetic! I go straight up to my room, turn my TV on, and plop down on my bed to take a nice long nap. School is pretty much my last priority right now, which is not good because this year is very critical in terms of getting into college. I just want this school year to be over and I want summer to be here. It will be kind of weird when the year is over though, because that means that I am a senior. I am really excited to be a senior, but also kind of sad about it. The current seniors have been at Kennedy ever since I have, so it will be weird not having them around anymore. I will definitely miss a lot of them that I have become close with over the years. Another reason it will be sad to be a senior is that the year will be filled with lots of "lasts". I will have my last homecoming dance, my last volleyball games, and pretty much my last everything that I do in high school. I don't want to leave all of my friends and family and Kennedy! But, on the other hand, I really really want to be living on my own, without restrictions from my parents. College is going to be good for me. I can't wait to get started on the path to adulthood! :)

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