Bella and Edward<3

Bella and Edward<3
"Take care of my heart--I left it with you."

Monday, May 25, 2009

Blogging Reflection

Over the course of the year, I have thought blogging to be sort of a hassle. During second trimester it became something that i HAD to do, and not something that I WANTED to do. It seemed more like a dreaded homework assignment than a new, creative way of putting down your thoughts. I'm pretty sure I thought this because we were confined to one specific topic. Though the topic was of our own choice, mine got boring very quickly! I had thought I would be able to ramble on and on about Twilight, but I was wrong. But, during third trimester, I was able to switch my topic to things about everyday life. I liked this approach to blogging way more than blogging about Twilight, and I stayed ahead on all of my posts. I thought that this was more fun, and it was easier to come up with ideas to write about and expand on. I know that this blog was not intended to be used as a kind of diary, but that is what it turned into for me. I wrote about all the things going on in my life at the time. I would have definitely enjoyed this assignment more if I had started the year off with how I ended it. Blogging would have been much more interesting for me, and I feel as though I wouldn't have slacked off or not completed my assingments and blog posts. Overall, I was glad I blogged because it was a new experience and I am always up for trying new things. I didn't particularly enjoy blogging about one specific topic, though, and I think in future years kids should be able to just write about whatever they feel.

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