Bella and Edward<3

Bella and Edward<3
"Take care of my heart--I left it with you."

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thinking about College

Recently, my parents and my school counselor have been on my case about looking at colleges and thinking about what I want to do with my life after high school. During my junior conference, we narrowed the college search down to schools in Iowa and in the surrounding states, which includes a lot of colleges and really didn't narrow it down for me at all! My counselor advised me which classes I should take next year, and he told me that I will get accepted to pretty much any college I am looking at, thanks to my grades and my GPA, which is a relief. I have looked at college sites online a little bit, and I haven't really been swayed toward any particular school. I have also been getting lots of letters from all sorts of colleges in the mail, and I just end up recycling all of them because I have no clue where I want to go! There are way too many options. Some of the schools that I am interested in the most are the University of Iowa, the University of Northern Iowa, and of course Iowa State University. My parents want me to look at Luther, too, but I am pretty sure that Luther is too small for me, and I am pretty set on not going there. I am kind of interested in going to Iowa because that's where a lot of my friends are going. Plus it is a huge school, and I would meet a ton of new people. Something that would help me decide where I want to go would be figuring out what I want to major in. I have been bouncing a few ideas back and forth, but I can never put my ideas in stone. I have wanted to get into the medical field since before I can remember. I have been interested in being a neurologist, a vet, an anesthesiologist, an orthodontist, and a psychiatrist. All of these options are interesting to me, so I can't see how I will be expected to choose just one. And this decision will be one that will affect the rest of my life, so I'm nervous about making the right decision! I hope that as I get closer and closer to college it will become more clear to me what I want to do in life, because right now I feel completely hopeless. I am not sure where I want to go or what I want to do at all!

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