Bella and Edward<3

Bella and Edward<3
"Take care of my heart--I left it with you."

Thursday, May 14, 2009

This Weekend.

This upcoming weekend is going to be very fun! On Friday I am going to a friend's birthday party with some of my girl friends. The party is going to be amazing because tons of people are going to be there and we get to go swimming! I haven't been swimming in forever, so I am really super pumped! After the party is over I am staying the night at my friend's house because we haven't hung out in forever and we need to catch up. Then on Saturday I am going to Fruitzen and then grand march with another friend. I can't wait to see how pretty everyone looks. Saturday night I am leaving home and going to New Hampton, Iowa for my cousin's graduation party on Sunday. It should be a really fun time because all of my relatives will be there and all of my cousin's friends will be there. Then I have to come back to Cedar Rapids on Sunday night because I have volleyball practice. Last night my team had our first practice since regionals, and I am really wanting to get back in the swing of things. We decided last night that we are not going to add any new members to our roster, which means that we are not bringing anybody else with us to Miami for nationals. This made me very happy because I did not want to add on anybody else. My team has been doing a great job without anyone else all season. We made it this far on our own, so we don't need another player to come along. Plus, she wouldn't get any guaranteed play time, so it would be stupid for her to pay all that money to come to Miami for nothing.

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