Bella and Edward<3

Bella and Edward<3
"Take care of my heart--I left it with you."

Sunday, May 10, 2009

This and That

Today I found out that my volleyball team is starting practice up again on Wednesday. I am extremely excited to get back in the swing of things and get back in shape. Something I am not really happy about, though, is the possibility of having an extra member join our team for nationals. I have nothing against this girl whatsoever, but I just really don't want to bring her along. She has not been a part of our team at all this season. She had her own team. The only reason she would get to come along with us is because my team is still under Cougar Club Volleyball, which sucks. Our school's head coach is the one pushing for this girl to come to nationals, and I don't think she should have a say in the matter at all. She should not be able to enforce rules for our team when she isn't really even a part of it. She tries to get in the middle of all of our stuff and facilitate everything for us and it's making me mad. She is saying that we should bring this extra girl along with us because we will get tired and want more subs. It is true that we are a pretty small team, but I for one would rather get a little tired and have more play time and have fun with my team than sit out and let some random player get the time that should be mine and my teammates'. Even though I am upset about it, I am sure that my school's head coach will get her way and the extra player will come along with us to nationals. Ugh!

Moving on to a less stressful topic....haha. Today, May 10th, is Mother's Day. I especially like Mother's Day because my mom is truly amazing. She goes above and beyond and works extremely hard every single day of her life. I honestly appreciate everything she does for me, and I think that she is the best mom in the entire world! I wouldn't trade her for anything. Anyway, it was extra hard to pick something out to get her this year. My sisters and I procrastinated until the last minute...literally. We hadn't gotten anything for her, so my dad just told us to make a coupon that is good for a fifty dollar gift. It wasn't all that thoughtful, but none of us had any ideas! We all made her pretty cards, though, and that made up for it. My mom loves everything we make her, and it really is the thought that counts!

Another thing I am happy about is that my birthday keeps getting closer and closer every day! There are only twelve days left! Ahhhhhh yay :)

Tomorrow, bright and early, I have my AP Biology exam at the KTOS building next to Carlos O'Kelly's. I have not been doing well in that class all year. It is extremely hard, and I probably wasn't putting forth as much effort as I could have been. In class last week we took a practice exam and I got a 2. A 2 is pretty much the same as a D for a letter grade, which sucks! Therefore, I am pretty positive that I will not do well tomorrow on the real exam. Great! But, even though I will not do well on the AP Bio exam, I am going to do very well on the AP Psychology exam which is on Tuesday. I love AP Psych, and I have been working hard in that class all year long. It is so interesting and fun, and I am honestly considering studying psychology in college!

It seems as though everything is starting to wrap up. Teachers are giving out less homework, AP exams are taking place, prom is next weekend, and the weather is amazing! I am getting more and more anxious for summer break! I just want school to be over so I can enjoy myself for three whole months without the worries and stresses of homework and tests and school in general. I want to be free!

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