Bella and Edward<3

Bella and Edward<3
"Take care of my heart--I left it with you."

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Summer Activities

This upcoming summer may very well be the busiest summer of my entire life. I have so much going on, it's not even funny. I looked at my calendar last night and pretty much every single day is filled with something!

Every single day, with the exception of the weekends, I have strength and conditioning for volleyball. We have to run and lift and jump and just get really in shape for season. That won't be too bad, but having it every single morning is sometimes a drag. I hate getting up early in the summer, especially to go work out. On top of that, I have summer league out at Prairie High School every Sunday, which is where all of the Cedar Rapids area schools get together and scrimmage each other. On top of that, I have volleyball camps, some at school and some at various colleges. Plus, on top of all of that stuff, I will be practicing for my club volleyball team and getting ready for nationals. Then I will actually be going to nationals in Miami for a week. My volleyball schedule is extremely hectic, and I'm already getting stressed just thinking about it.

Along with all of my volleyball stuff, I am going on vacation to Cancun, Mexico for a week with my family. It will be nice to get a break for once, and I'm super excited to get tan! It will be my second time in Cancun, and I cannot wait to go back! The resort we are staying at is beautiful, and everything that is included in our trip is amazing. The only bad thing about going to Cancun is that we go there the day after I get back from Miami for nationals! I am going to be totally exhausted!

Then, after we get back from Cancun, I am going on a trip to Okoboji for a week with my cousins. They rent a house there every year and go boating and all that fun stuff. Last time I was there I ended up staying overnight in the hospital, but I don't really want to think about that. It should be a really fun time because my cousins are awesome, and I love being out by the water and going boating and tubing.

My parents want me to get a job on top of all of that. Yeah right.

My summer is going to be very busy, and there's nothing wrong with that as long as I get a few breaks now and then. I am probably going to be a very tired girl, but it's worth it!

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