Bella and Edward<3

Bella and Edward<3
"Take care of my heart--I left it with you."

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


This whole month has been extremely stressful so far, and it has barely even started! I have not been doing so well in my classes, I had show choir tryouts, my dad is leaving in a little over a week for a business trip in Australia for a whole month, volleyball practice for nationals hasn't started up yet, and boys suck!

I had callbacks for show choir last night. I was on the soprano list, so I showed up with all of the sopranos. Ziegler taught us a warm-up and we all had to sing it individually. It was way too high for me, and I'm pretty sure that I completely screwed it up. Then we had to learn part of the ballad for next year's show. I messed that up as well! Then one of the girls spoke up and said that she had no idea why she was here because she is an alto. I raised my hand and said the same thing, and about three other girls did the same. So, I stayed after the soprano callbacks for the alto callbacks. I was way more comfortable this time. I did alright on the individual warm-up part, but my voice cracked once. I also did pretty well on the ballad part that we learned. I hit my notes and I felt good about it. I am crossing my fingers that what I did is good enough to get me into Happiness. It's my last opportunity to be in show choir, so I really don't want to miss out.

Moving to another topic, my dad leaves on May 15 for a business trip in Australia. He will be there for three whole weeks, and I have no idea what I am going to do without him home! My dad is the one who lets me go out and do what I want on weekends. My mom is more strict about those things and she always questions me about everything, which i hate! It's also going to be very hard without my dad around because my sisters and I are involved in a ton of activities. We are always running around to dance, soccer, volleyball, show choir, tennis, swimming, piano, or whatever else we need to be at. My mom and I are going to have a tough time transporting people everywhere they have to be. I am anxious and stressed about these upcoming three weeks.

Something else in my life that sucks right now is that volleyball practices haven't started up again for nationals yet. My team has been on a break since regionals, which were at the end of March. I really want to start again because I miss my teammates! A couple of them go to Prairie High School, so I never get to see them. Plus, I just miss volleyball in general. Playing volleyball is my favorite thing to do in the entire world. I just want to get going and start preparing for nationals. Nationals are going to be amazing! Ahhhh I'm pumped!

Though all these stressful things are going on right now, something to look forward to is my birthday. It is on May 22, so it's coming up here pretty quickly. I am going to be seventeen years old, finally! The only bad things about my birthday are that the Happiness list goes up that day and my dad will still be in Australia. But other than that, I am very excited for it!

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