Bella and Edward<3

Bella and Edward<3
"Take care of my heart--I left it with you."

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I am getting extremely stressed out about my parents trying to control everything I do. Every time I want to leave the house my mom badgers me with annoying questions about where I'm going to be and who I'm going to be with and what time I'm going to be home and blah blah blah! It is so frustrating. I don't understand why my parents can't just trust me and the decisions that I make, which aren't bad ones at all. I need to be independent and be able to make choices on my own because I am virtually an adult. I will be leaving for college in a little over a year, so I don't think that it's too much to ask for a little freedom without the hassle of having to be interrogated every time I decide to go out! I think that my parents need to have a little faith in me. Not all teenagers are bad. We just like to be with our friends and have fun without having to deal with the stresses of our home lives. It would be nice if I could come and go from my house whenever I feel like it, but I know that's not exactly realistic.

Something else that sucks big time is my parents trying to make me get a job. I had a job last summer at Granite City as a hostess, but right now I really don't feel like working! Money would be nice, but once the summer starts I really won't have any free time as it is, so I would rather be spending the time that I have with my friends and not at work. I know I will get quite a bit of money for my birthday next week, and that will be nice. The only problem is that I have to pay my mom $450 for my trip to Miami for nationals this summer. I have to come up with that money by the time we leave, which is at the end of June. I am freaking out because there's only like a month left until then, and I'm not sure what to do. I really probably should get a job. That would be the smart thing to do. But I really don't want to!

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