Bella and Edward<3

Bella and Edward<3
"Take care of my heart--I left it with you."

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bella Swan

Bella Swan is the main character of the Twilight series. She is the one who is narrating all of the books, so we get to read her thoughts, her feelings, and her desires and wishes. She is described as a normal girl with nothing really special about her except for the fact that she is extremely clumsy, and danger seems to follow her wherever she goes. Her parents got divorced when she was very young. She lived with her mom in Phoenix, Arizona, but she would visit her dad in Forks, Washington every summer. She decided to go live with her dad permanently, and this was probably the best decision she would ever make.

Bella is a lot like her dad, Charlie. Charlie isn't one of those people who hovers and has to fill the silence with silly chatter. He doesn't talk about his feelings very much either. At first, Bella doesn't like coming to live in Forks because it is always raining and because everyone at school is trying to get to know her. She isn't really too excited about the fact that boys she isn't interested in are already competing for her.

She feels kind of awkward in this new environment. That is, until she sees the Cullen clan one day at school. She asked her friend Jessica who they were, and Jessica told her that they were the most secluded, crazily gorgeous group of kids at the school. They were all graceful and almost unhuman in their looks. Bella quickly became interested in the "youngest" of the clan, Edward Cullen.

Bella was happy to see that Edward was in her biology class until she relized that he must hate her. He would not stop glaring at her, and he was clenching his fists in a manner that told her he could not stand to be around her. In all reality, Edward, a vampire, was in fact doing all of this because her blood was the most delicious blood that he had ever smelled in his entire life, and he wanted nothing more than to kill her and get a taste. He held back though, and in time it got easier to be around Bella and talk to her and get to know her.

After spending quite some time together, it was known that Bella and Edward were boyfriend/girlfriend. They were pretty much inseperable, and the rest of the school was in awe about the relationship. Bella knew what Edward and his family were, and she didn't care. She was able to keep it a secret because she was in love with Edward, as he was in love with her. I am going to stop here with details about their relationship because i am going to write about it later in another post!

Edward Cullen

Edward Cullen is indescribable. He is portrayed in the books as dazzling and beautiful. After reading the Twilight series, I am positive that every single girl wants a boy in their life exactly like Edward. He is mysterious and gorgeous, brilliant and fun. I, along with millions of others, dream of having Edward Cullen as my boyfriend! Stephenie Meyer has a very gifted way with words. She is able to portray Edward in her books without actually having pictures of him. This is nice because it allows people everywhere to picture Edward in their own way. Everyone views him differently.

When I learned that Twilight the movie was coming out, I was sure that no one in the entire world could play Edward. Nobody can live up to the standards of the most perfect thing in the universe!


Robert Pattinson, a boy who had never even heard of the Twilight series before his audition for the movie, played the part perfectly. He has kind of a dark look about him, and he is a very attractive guy. He has great ability on screen! He did everything humanly possible to get his part as the gorgeous vampire boyfriend down to a tee. I watched an interview with Rob Pattinson about his audition. He said that he was very nervous coming into the tryouts because he didn't think he could be Edward. He thought other people would think that he was cocky for coming to the auditions! But, after going through the script with Kristen Stewart (Bella), he calmed down a little bit. He said that he was shocked because people were actually coming up to him on the street telling him that they were in love with him. This is not a huge surprise to me because Edward Cullen is every teenage girl's heartthrob.

The movie made its debut on November 21, 2008. Waiting in line to see the movie i could see that everyone had all their twilight apparel on. Without a doubt, Edward clothes were the most popular. There were thousands of different shirts with Rob Pattinson's picture on them! It was crazy. I admit, I was one of those crazy girls wearing one of his shirts!

All in all, Edward Cullen is amazing, and it's completely understandable how girls across the world are obsessed with him. I'm sure that I'm not the only one who wishes she were Bella Swan! Edward is my most favorite character in Twilight the book series and the movie.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Twilight the Movie

It was eight o'clock on Thursday, November 20, 2008. I was waiting in line to see the movie Twilight for the first time with my friend Jacey. Thankfully, we were third in line. Even though we were at the movie theater four hours early, it wasn't a big deal. We were so excited to see the movie because the Twilight series has been our favorite series for an extremely long time. During the wait, we chatted animatedly about what we expected from the movie and we studied and did homework since we had our last three finals the next day. After the time we got there, more and more fans started showing up. I saw tons of Twilight shirts that people had either bought or made themselves! They were all so cool and unique. I was extremely impressed at how decked out some people got. Anyways, when the time came to file into the theater, everyone was jittery and anxious to see the final product. Jacey and I sat in the very back row of the theater. The movie theater sold too many tickets so some people had to sit on the floor. It was jam-packed and very noisy. I loved it!

As the movie started playing, everyone in the theater was cheering and applauding. I was nervous and excited at the same time because I wasn't sure what to expect. I didn't think that the movie would portray the books very well because the books go into great detail.

Twilight the movie was amazing! It didn't exactly follow the books, but it did a great job improvising. Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart did such a good job! They did a wonderful job falling in love on screen, and they made me want the movie to never end. I cannot wait for the next one to come out!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

my REAL first post

This blog is all about Twilight (the movie, the movies to come, and the books). Twilight is my favorite thing in the entire world to talk about, so I know I won't be running out of things to say anytime soon. In my posts I will go through and describe each important character and what they contribute to Twilight. I will explain the relationship between Edward and Bella, and I will also share about Stephenie Meyer. I can go into detail about specific events, and i will voice my opinions about many different topics. In the future, readers of this blog should expect to hear everything there is to know about Twilight. It's a huge topic to cover, but I know I can do it! I hope that by reading my blog, you too will learn to enjoy Twilight and everything it has to offer.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I started reading the Twilight series last winter, and I immediately fell in love! I would be reading the books during my every waking minute, and when i finished all of them, i reread them over and over again.

Stephenie Meyer is completely brilliant, and I wish she would keep adding more books to the series because they are addicting and I never want to stop reading them. The way she creates the relationships between characters is enthralling! She sets up perfectly how strong and intense Bella and Edward's love for each other is. My reaction to the series was that i became permanently obsessed, and when I found out that they were making movies about the books, I got even more excited!

The movie was great, and even though it could not exactly portray everything the book had, I still thoroughly enjoyed it! Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart played their roles better than I could have imagined. They have amazing on-screen chemistry, and I know they will continue to do a great job in the movies to come.

Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn are the best books that I have ever read. Twilight the movie is my favorite movie at the moment, and I am sure that when the other movies come out they will be even better! I ♥ TWILIGHT!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

