Bella and Edward<3

Bella and Edward<3
"Take care of my heart--I left it with you."

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Initially, school was moving by extremely fast. But now that it's third trimester, it feels like summer will never get here because of how slow the days are going by! I am definitely slacking off in my classes, and I'm for sure not putting forth all of my effort toward school work. All I want to do is head to the pool or lay out or grab a Very Berry Fruitzen cup! I dream of summer. It is my favorite time of the entire year. I love not having to go to school and starting preseason workouts for volleyball every morning! I enjoy heading out to Palo beach with friends, and I like being able to hang out with all of my friends whenever i want!

This summer is going to be one of my more memorable ones for a few reasons. First, my volleyball team is heading to Miami for a week to compete at nationals. Second, the day I get back from Miami my family is leaving for Cancun, Mexico for a week. Third, when I get home from Cancun I am going to Okoboji with my cousins for a week.

I have so many exciting things to look forward to that I can hardly wait for school to be over! I just want to be free! Something kind of sad about this summer, though, is that it is my last summer as a high schooler :( I have to worry about senior pictures, and applying for college, and actually choosing a college very soon! I'm excited to leave home and get away from all of my parents' rules, but I am definitely going to miss all of my friends and family. I know i will cry when the time comes for me to leave, but the tears will be a mix of happiness and sadness. There are so many things for me to look forward to, but I will miss a lot of things about being in high school and living at home.

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