Bella and Edward<3

Bella and Edward<3
"Take care of my heart--I left it with you."

Monday, March 16, 2009

DVD Release!

I AM SO EXCITED! Why? Because Twilight the DVD is going to be released to the public this Saturday, March 21st! This is going to be a huge event. I am 99.9% sure that within the first couple of hours of being in the stores, Twilight will be sold out. There are so many crazed fans that are just as anxious as I am. I am so glad that i finally get to own this movie for myself! It is sooooo good, and I am absolutely obsessed! Plus, I'm not gonna lie...I am extremely happy that I will be able to stare at Edward, played by Rob Pattinson, as much as I want! Twilight is my favorite book series and movie, so I'm sure you can understand that this is a big deal for me! Another good thing about the release of Twilight is that it means that the showing of New Moon is getting closer and closer every single day! Even though New Moon was my least favorite book from the series, I am still as excited as ever to see the movie! I was impressed at how well Twilight the movie portrayed the book. I definitely thought that it was going to be terrible and that it was going to ruin my love for the series! I have watched interviews of the cast and crew, and I can see that there was a lot of work put into the making of Twilight the movie. Stephenie Meyer created such a complicated story, and it is incredible that they were able to not ruin everything that Twilight is supposed to be. They were able to create amazing effects with the vampires. For instance, they showed that the vampires were very fast by having the actors walk on a moving sidewalk coming directly at the camera. This created a very cool image. They also showed the vampires' sheer strength by showing Edward stopping the van from killing Bella and showing Edward climbing up a tree with Bella on his back. They showed that vampires have a very keen sense of smell during the ballet room scene with all of the blood. And they also showed that vampires have amazing hearing especially during scenes in the lunchroom and during the scene when the Cullens were playing baseball in the field. Altogether, the cinematographer did a wonderful job with creating perfect shots and scenes for Twilight. I don't think they could have done a better job!

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