Bella and Edward<3

Bella and Edward<3
"Take care of my heart--I left it with you."

Monday, March 16, 2009

Are Vampires Real?

In fact, some people truly do believe that vampires are indeed real. says that the kinds of vampires in the movies are not real, but that there are pretty normal "people" out there who have a severe hypersensitivity to sunlight and who have the need to consume blood. When talking with these so called vampires, they say that they consume about a shotglass full of blood during each time they feed. So, the myth about them draining whole bodies of blood is in fact not true. These vampires also do not burn up and die in the sunlight, but many are susceptible to sunstrokes and sunburn. They also do not avoid garlic, although many have digestion problems that keep them from eating or being around garlic. Another interesting fact is that crucifixes and holy water do not kill vampires. It is said that all of these vampires come from all different kinds of religious denominations. Another myth about vampires is that they are said to be immortal. In reality, they have not been proven to be immortal, but they are said to have stronger immune systems and they age slower and have longer life spans than the average human. Many vampires do not sleep in coffins like movies and shows suggest, but they sleep in normal beds just like normal people. They do tend to prefer a traditional mattress over a waterbed, though. Vampires do have reflections in mirrors and they can be depicted in photographs and on cameras. All in all, vampires can be real depending on what you believe. I personally do not think I believe in vampires, but I'm still hoping that there is and Edward out there for me! :)

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