Bella and Edward<3

Bella and Edward<3
"Take care of my heart--I left it with you."

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Opinion On Blogging

When we first learned that we would be blogging for class, I thought it was going to be a very fun, easy, quick way to receive points. It was simple to choose my topic (Twilight) because I can ramble on and on about it. It is my favorite book series and one of my favorite movies. I started off being able to think of good ideas for blogs, but I soon realized that it was harder than I thought to keep talking about Twilight even though it is one of my passions. So, it became more tough for me to be able to sit down and blog three posts of 250 or more words per week. I soon began to lose most of my interest for blogging, which is pretty sad, because I'm sure it has reflected in my grade. I wish that I could just blog about anything I want for every single post, even if each time it is about something different. I think that next term when we resume our blogging, I am going to change my topic to something that I know for sure will not be hard for me to write about for a long period of time. So, all in all, I do enjoy blogging, but not when I can't find anything to say about my initial topic. I will be ready next term!

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