Bella and Edward<3

Bella and Edward<3
"Take care of my heart--I left it with you."

Monday, February 9, 2009


Top Ten Things About Edward Cullen:

  1. He dazzles in the sunlight.
  2. He doesn't drink human blood like most other vampires.
  3. He is clever and extremely witty.
  4. He has a wonderful sense of humor.
  5. He doesn't sleep.
  6. He doesn't need to breathe.
  7. He is crazy fast and unthinkably strong.
  8. He is absolutely gorgeous and has a rockin' body.
  9. He knows exactly how to treat Bella.
  10. He is the most amazing guy/vampire out there!

Top Ten Things About Bella Swan:

  1. She is very sarcastic.
  2. She has a mind of her own and doesn't feel the need to conform to others' ideas.
  3. She is very smart.
  4. She seems to attract people very quickly.
  5. She is a danger magnet.
  6. She doesn't like to talk about her feelings with her dad.
  7. She has an unreadable mind.
  8. She falls in love with the most gorgeous boy on earth.
  9. She wants to become a vampire.
  10. She is best friends with a werewolf.

Every little quality about both Edward and Bella is intriguing and fascinating. I never get bored with reading about the two of them. They are such opposites that they are bound to attract. In the first book, Twilight, you get to experience their love taking off in full bloom as they get to know each other and begin to spend time with each other. At the end of Twilight the two of them know that they are in love. During the second book, New Moon, other plans take place. Edward thinks that he is being selfish by staying with Bella because he feels as though he is risking her life. He decides to leave and pretend like he had never been a part of her life. Both Bella and Edward went through a phase of depression after Edward decided to leave, and pretty soon Edward couldn't handle it anymore so he had to come back and check on Bella. When he came back, what he saw scared him. Bella was doing all kinds of reckless things with her new best friend Jacob Black, the werewolf. Vampires and werewolves have had a strong hatred for each other since before anyone can remember. Anyways, Edward contemplated the situation and decided that he would once again rejoin Bella. At first, Bella thought that Edward was a hallucination because she hadn't seen him in such a long time, and it was completely improbable that he would come back. But, after time, she realized that what was happening was real, and she was ecstatic. Bella and Edward started off their relationship again, although this time around Charlie wasn't very keen about Edward anymore. He didn't trust him, and he didn't want to see Bella suffer like that ever again. As time went on, Bella and Edward fell even deeper in love, if that was possible. They were very fond of each other, and could not ever imagine being separated again. In the final book of the series, Breaking Dawn, Bella is transformed into a vampire after giving birth to her and Edward's child, Reneesme. After the transformation is complete and Bella gains full vampire abilities, the Cullen clan is surprised to see that she is a natural. Bella is graceful and swift, and she doesn't seem to crave blood like most newborns do. They think this is because of how much time Bella spent with them when she was a human. Through their married life Bella and Edward stay just as in love as they were when they first laid eyes on each other, and this would never change. Not in a million years.

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