Bella and Edward<3

Bella and Edward<3
"Take care of my heart--I left it with you."

Monday, March 16, 2009

Emmett and Rosalie

Emmett and Rosalie are part of the Cullen clan, although we generally don't hear about them very often. Emmett is the big, strong, macho man kind of vampire. He really likes to tease people and he has a good sense of humor. Rosalie is kind of reserved and very stubborn and opinionated. She likes things to be her way or else she gets upset. Rosalie was added to the Cullen clan before Emmett was. She was supposed to be a mate for Edward, but Edward never had any interest in Rosalie. Rosalie's human life story is a sad one. She was the most beautiful girl anyone had ever seen. She dressed gorgeously and she meticulously did her hair. One day she met the man of her dreams. He was a royal, which meant that he was extremely rich as well as handsome. It seemed like everything was going right in Rosalie's life because this man had asked for her hand in marriage. She accepted, of course. Everything was fine until one night she was out visiting her newly-married friend in the villiage. She had married a carpenter, and at first Rosalie had felt bad for her. That was, until she looked at how much the two of them loved each other. They had had a baby, and Rosalie was surprised to find that she was extremely jealous of this marriage and this baby. She left, and on her walk home she saw her fiancee and some of his friends. They had been drinking, and as she drew nearer they attacked her and beat her very badly. She would have died if Carslile Cullen had not found her body in the road. He bit her and she made the transformation into a vampire. She was not happy about being a vampire. She would now never be able to have kids. And, on top of that, Edward was not interested in her one tiny bit! Never in her life had Rosalie ever been rejected from a boy or a man! She was always used to getting what she wanted. One night, while she was hunting, she happened to come across a man being mauled by a bear. She decided to save him because the man's dark curly hair reminded her of her former friend's baby. It was a good choice to save this man and turn him into a vampire because he became the man of her life, Emmett. They are perfect for each other, and they are two of the most beautiful vampires in the world. And, even though Rosalie can have an attitude some of the time, she has a good heart, and she truly cares about her family and Bella, even though she doesn't want to admit it.

Are Vampires Real?

In fact, some people truly do believe that vampires are indeed real. says that the kinds of vampires in the movies are not real, but that there are pretty normal "people" out there who have a severe hypersensitivity to sunlight and who have the need to consume blood. When talking with these so called vampires, they say that they consume about a shotglass full of blood during each time they feed. So, the myth about them draining whole bodies of blood is in fact not true. These vampires also do not burn up and die in the sunlight, but many are susceptible to sunstrokes and sunburn. They also do not avoid garlic, although many have digestion problems that keep them from eating or being around garlic. Another interesting fact is that crucifixes and holy water do not kill vampires. It is said that all of these vampires come from all different kinds of religious denominations. Another myth about vampires is that they are said to be immortal. In reality, they have not been proven to be immortal, but they are said to have stronger immune systems and they age slower and have longer life spans than the average human. Many vampires do not sleep in coffins like movies and shows suggest, but they sleep in normal beds just like normal people. They do tend to prefer a traditional mattress over a waterbed, though. Vampires do have reflections in mirrors and they can be depicted in photographs and on cameras. All in all, vampires can be real depending on what you believe. I personally do not think I believe in vampires, but I'm still hoping that there is and Edward out there for me! :)

DVD Release!

I AM SO EXCITED! Why? Because Twilight the DVD is going to be released to the public this Saturday, March 21st! This is going to be a huge event. I am 99.9% sure that within the first couple of hours of being in the stores, Twilight will be sold out. There are so many crazed fans that are just as anxious as I am. I am so glad that i finally get to own this movie for myself! It is sooooo good, and I am absolutely obsessed! Plus, I'm not gonna lie...I am extremely happy that I will be able to stare at Edward, played by Rob Pattinson, as much as I want! Twilight is my favorite book series and movie, so I'm sure you can understand that this is a big deal for me! Another good thing about the release of Twilight is that it means that the showing of New Moon is getting closer and closer every single day! Even though New Moon was my least favorite book from the series, I am still as excited as ever to see the movie! I was impressed at how well Twilight the movie portrayed the book. I definitely thought that it was going to be terrible and that it was going to ruin my love for the series! I have watched interviews of the cast and crew, and I can see that there was a lot of work put into the making of Twilight the movie. Stephenie Meyer created such a complicated story, and it is incredible that they were able to not ruin everything that Twilight is supposed to be. They were able to create amazing effects with the vampires. For instance, they showed that the vampires were very fast by having the actors walk on a moving sidewalk coming directly at the camera. This created a very cool image. They also showed the vampires' sheer strength by showing Edward stopping the van from killing Bella and showing Edward climbing up a tree with Bella on his back. They showed that vampires have a very keen sense of smell during the ballet room scene with all of the blood. And they also showed that vampires have amazing hearing especially during scenes in the lunchroom and during the scene when the Cullens were playing baseball in the field. Altogether, the cinematographer did a wonderful job with creating perfect shots and scenes for Twilight. I don't think they could have done a better job!

