Bella and Edward<3

Bella and Edward<3
"Take care of my heart--I left it with you."

Sunday, January 11, 2009

True Love

Although some people may think that a love story between a vampire and a human sounds entirely stupid, they are so very wrong. The tale of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan meeting and growing closer and closer is a story that could melt anybody's heart. Their love is beautiful and complex, and words cannot describe it. They are perfect for each other and they were meant to be together forever.

Even before Bella knew that Edward was in love with her too, Edward would come into Bella's bedroom at night just to watch her sleep. It was fascinating to him to watch her (in a very non creepy way). When Bella found out that he had been coming into her room for a couple of months without her being aware of it, she wasn't even freaked out. She actually liked that he had come to see her. She didn't fully understand why he had chosen her, but she was okay with it. Now when he would come visit her she would be awake waiting for him. The two of them would have long conversations about everyting there was to talk about. They loved hearing about each other. Very rarely would the two of them spend a night apart. They were now totally inseperable.

All of the other boys who had crushes on Bella were very upset that she was now dating Edward Cullen. They resented the fact that he was able to capture her attention and make her fall head over heels for him. Most upset of all was Jacob Black, Bella's best friend. During the time they had spent together when Edward left contained some of the greatest memories of his life. Jacob had also fallen for Bella, and he didn't think it was right that Edward could just come back home and have Bella again the same as before.

Charlie, Bella's dad, also didn't like the fact that Edward came back either. He also didn't like it that Bella forgave him right away and gave him all of her trust once again. He didn't understand their relationship. All he was aware of was the fact that Edward had broken Bella's heart by leaving her, and he never wanted to see it happen again. She was depressed for a good long time when Edward was gone, and he didn't feel it was right for Bella to be with Edward again.

Although other people may think that Edward would just leave Bella again, both Bella and Edward both knew that would never happen. They were desperate for each other's love. They promised each other that nothing of the sort would ever occur again, and they always keep their promises to each other. From here on, their relationship flourished and began to grow again into what it was before. Bella and Edward were again inseperable, and things were great!

The next books, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, will be summarized in later blogs.

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