Bella and Edward<3

Bella and Edward<3
"Take care of my heart--I left it with you."

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Intro to the Cullens and More

The Cullen family, created by Dr. Carslile Cullen, is essentially a coven of "vegetarian vampires. Edward was the first one to be brought into the group. He was dying of the Spanish flu around 1917. Dr. Carslile saved him from his death. The other members of the clan, Esme, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett, were all created later on. Esme is Carslile's partner, Jasper is Alice's, and Emmett is Rosalie's. None of them were turned into vampires unless they were near death. Edward is the only one of the group to not have a partner. He just wasn't interested. That is....until he met Bella.

Edward first experienced Bella in Biology class at their school. She was to sit next to him and be his lab partner. Bella was very excited about this because Edward intrigued her. But, from the moment she sat down next to him, Edward was very tense. It was like he had to hold himself back from hurting her. This was, of course, because Bella's blood was the greatest thing he had ever smelled. He wanted to kill her so badly just to get a taste of it. But, staying true to his morals, he held back. He tried to switch out of Bella's class, but there were no openings. He just had to deal with it.

It got easier to be around Bella as the days went by. Edward grew accustomed to her scent, and since he was around her more often it made it more bearable to see Bella as a friend and not as a snack. He really started to like her not only because of her scent, but because she was the only person whose thoughts he couldn't hear. This was upsetting to Edward because his little talent had never failed him before. So, he took up the hobby of getting to know as much as he could about her.

Edward and Bella soon fell in love and became completely inseperable. They knew all of each other's secrets and they had very deep trust in each other. They knew that they would be together forever. Nothing else mattered. Bella was persistent in trying to get Edward to bite her and change her into a vampire. He just wouldn't agree to it though, because he wanted her to think very carefully about it. He did not want her to give up her human life and all the experiences that came along with it. He wanted her to be able to age and to change as life goes on. But, no matter what Edward told her, Bella would not change her mind. Now that she had Edward in her life, she could not go on without him. No human life could ever amount to the same thing as a life with Edward, even if it made her a psycho, bloodlusting freak. They were in love, and no matter what, neither of them could change that.

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