Bella and Edward<3

Bella and Edward<3
"Take care of my heart--I left it with you."

Sunday, January 11, 2009

True Love

Although some people may think that a love story between a vampire and a human sounds entirely stupid, they are so very wrong. The tale of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan meeting and growing closer and closer is a story that could melt anybody's heart. Their love is beautiful and complex, and words cannot describe it. They are perfect for each other and they were meant to be together forever.

Even before Bella knew that Edward was in love with her too, Edward would come into Bella's bedroom at night just to watch her sleep. It was fascinating to him to watch her (in a very non creepy way). When Bella found out that he had been coming into her room for a couple of months without her being aware of it, she wasn't even freaked out. She actually liked that he had come to see her. She didn't fully understand why he had chosen her, but she was okay with it. Now when he would come visit her she would be awake waiting for him. The two of them would have long conversations about everyting there was to talk about. They loved hearing about each other. Very rarely would the two of them spend a night apart. They were now totally inseperable.

All of the other boys who had crushes on Bella were very upset that she was now dating Edward Cullen. They resented the fact that he was able to capture her attention and make her fall head over heels for him. Most upset of all was Jacob Black, Bella's best friend. During the time they had spent together when Edward left contained some of the greatest memories of his life. Jacob had also fallen for Bella, and he didn't think it was right that Edward could just come back home and have Bella again the same as before.

Charlie, Bella's dad, also didn't like the fact that Edward came back either. He also didn't like it that Bella forgave him right away and gave him all of her trust once again. He didn't understand their relationship. All he was aware of was the fact that Edward had broken Bella's heart by leaving her, and he never wanted to see it happen again. She was depressed for a good long time when Edward was gone, and he didn't feel it was right for Bella to be with Edward again.

Although other people may think that Edward would just leave Bella again, both Bella and Edward both knew that would never happen. They were desperate for each other's love. They promised each other that nothing of the sort would ever occur again, and they always keep their promises to each other. From here on, their relationship flourished and began to grow again into what it was before. Bella and Edward were again inseperable, and things were great!

The next books, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, will be summarized in later blogs.

New Moon

The first book in the series, Twilight, made me never want Bella and Edward's story to come to an end. So, when New Moon came out, I was ecstatic! I was thrilled that I would get to read on about all of the experiences the two of them had to face together. These books are truly unexplainable. They are THAT good.

Anyway, I started reading New Moon, and only a few chapters into the book, Edward leaves Bella because he thinks its better for her to be without him and live a normal life as if he had never existed. He took away all of her objects and possessions that would remind her of him, and he left. This literally crushed Bella. She wouldn't move, she wouldn't speak, and she rarely acknowledged anyone. Her life as she knew it was over.

But, soon enough, she was reunited with her old friend Jacob Black who lives down in La Push. Bella would visit him often. Going to Jacob's soon became her only activity. They would always hang out in his garage while he would work on fixing up an old car. Jacob easily became Bella's best friend. She was very grateful to have him around to keep her company after Edward had left her. Jacob was easy to talk to, and he lived on the edge and did dangerous things sometimes. When doing some of these dangerous activities with him, Bella learned that she would hear Edward's voice telling her to stop and to take care of herself. Bella needed to hear his voice so badly that she kept putting herself in these dangerous situations just so she could hear a couple of words from Edward's voice.

At some point, Edward didn't think he could handle being away from Bella anymore so he went to check in on her without her knowing. He saw how terribly miserable she was without him and he didn't know what to do. He was caught between doing the right thing and going back to his true love to spend forever with her. In the end, Edward and Bella are thankfully reunited. They now both knew that they would never ever leave each other again no matter how wrong their love is. They needed each other to survive.

Intro to the Cullens and More

The Cullen family, created by Dr. Carslile Cullen, is essentially a coven of "vegetarian vampires. Edward was the first one to be brought into the group. He was dying of the Spanish flu around 1917. Dr. Carslile saved him from his death. The other members of the clan, Esme, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett, were all created later on. Esme is Carslile's partner, Jasper is Alice's, and Emmett is Rosalie's. None of them were turned into vampires unless they were near death. Edward is the only one of the group to not have a partner. He just wasn't interested. That is....until he met Bella.

Edward first experienced Bella in Biology class at their school. She was to sit next to him and be his lab partner. Bella was very excited about this because Edward intrigued her. But, from the moment she sat down next to him, Edward was very tense. It was like he had to hold himself back from hurting her. This was, of course, because Bella's blood was the greatest thing he had ever smelled. He wanted to kill her so badly just to get a taste of it. But, staying true to his morals, he held back. He tried to switch out of Bella's class, but there were no openings. He just had to deal with it.

It got easier to be around Bella as the days went by. Edward grew accustomed to her scent, and since he was around her more often it made it more bearable to see Bella as a friend and not as a snack. He really started to like her not only because of her scent, but because she was the only person whose thoughts he couldn't hear. This was upsetting to Edward because his little talent had never failed him before. So, he took up the hobby of getting to know as much as he could about her.

Edward and Bella soon fell in love and became completely inseperable. They knew all of each other's secrets and they had very deep trust in each other. They knew that they would be together forever. Nothing else mattered. Bella was persistent in trying to get Edward to bite her and change her into a vampire. He just wouldn't agree to it though, because he wanted her to think very carefully about it. He did not want her to give up her human life and all the experiences that came along with it. He wanted her to be able to age and to change as life goes on. But, no matter what Edward told her, Bella would not change her mind. Now that she had Edward in her life, she could not go on without him. No human life could ever amount to the same thing as a life with Edward, even if it made her a psycho, bloodlusting freak. They were in love, and no matter what, neither of them could change that.

